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Creating custom field sections

Learn how to create sections to segment your fields:

  • Mouse over “Settings” and select “Custom fields” in the menu. Then, choose the appropriate option based on where you’d like to add the field section, Contacts, Companies, or a pipeline.
  • Select the “Create a new form section” option to the right of the “Create new custom field” button.
  • Enter the desired section name, and choose a display option. If you’d like the fields in that section to always be visible, choose “Always show (default),” or if you’d like the fields to only appear if they have a value saved choose “Collapse if all fields are empty.”
  • Next, choose an icon and a color for the section. Select “Create section” to add it.
  • The new section will appear near the bottom of your existing fields. If you have more than one field section, click and drag the sections to reorder them. You can also click and drag custom fields to move them into, or out of, a field section.
  • Not sure how to add custom fields? Learn how to create custom contact fields here, and custom pipeline fields here.

Examples of custom field sections:

  • Create custom field sections on the contact or company to segment information. For example, add a “Vendors” section to your companies with fields that you only collect for the vendors that you work with. Add a “Personal detail” section to your contacts where you can track things like a spouse/partner name and children’s names. Or, add a “Extra” field section for default fields that you don’t use to hide them.
  • Create custom field sections in the pipeline to track different types of information. For example, if you work in real estate, create a “Residential” section to track residential property details, and another for “Commercial” to track commercial property details. If you work in sales, create a “Documents” section for signed documents like quotes or contracts, and a “Value” section to track estimated lead value, quoted amount, and the end value of the sale.
Next up:
Segment, separate, hide
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