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A quick and easy way to follow up with your team

This article was included in the January 12th, 2016 issue of the LACRM Newsletter.

For this week’s tip, we spoke with Estelle and Stephen Cockcroft, the owners of Catamaran Guru who, after years as avid sailors, decided to turn their passion into a business: selling catamarans. The backbone of their company is made up of their team of dedicated brokers, each working hard to secure leads -- just like most sales departments. And while they regularly impress, it isn’t smooth sailing all the time. As the managers of this team, Estelle and Stephen found a simple and effective way to make sure everyone was following up with their leads:

“Our brokers enter leads into the CRM on their own and are expected to regularly follow up with them if needed. But sometimes, when they are working on a lot of different things, they might miss one or two follow-ups. This is why we both frequently check our list of contacts and if we see that a client hasn’t been updated in 3 to 6 months, we will give the broker in charge a little nudge. This works because not only does this method let us check up on our brokers, but it also motivates our team to enter every single update into the CRM.”

-Estelle & Stephen Cockcroft, Owners of Catamaran Guru

How can a CRM help?

LACRM automatically dates and timestamps every update made to a contact so you always know the last time you interacted with a client. Not only that, but because you can also see what the other users on your account are doing, managing your team becomes a breeze. You can pull up a list of contacts filtered by date updated, as Estelle and Stephen do, which will tell you exactly which member of your team needs a reminder. To have an even more detailed log of what your team is up to, you can even pull up an activity report filtered by user!

Tip to try: Play around with the filters on your contact list to pull up specific lists. To see a full list of contacts that may need to be followed-up with, set your filters to show contacts that haven’t been updated in some time. This way, when you have a meeting with your team, you can give them the names of specific contacts who need a follow up! Click here for a tutorial on how to see a list of contacts based on when they were updated.

If you have any questions on how you can use the CRM to keep track of how your team is doing, just contact us!

Next up:
Team management, user spotlight
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