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Avoid double entry by moving your business into the CRM

This article was included in the June 29th, 2016 issue of the LACRM Newsletter.

To say that technology plays a large role in business today would be an understatement. You can find hundreds of software tools that tackle almost every aspect of running a company, and along with that comes the temptation to use them all at once to make everything more efficient. However, the drawback to juggling multiple systems is that you inevitably end up with the problem of having to double up on data entry. For Judi Watts, Director of Hampton Event Hire, this was a problem she faced when trying to get her team onboard with the CRM. No one wanted to add yet another piece of software to the list of systems that they needed to update, and the last thing they wanted was to spend more time on data entry:

“My team was hesitant to use the CRM at first because they didn’t want to have to enter the same information into multiple systems all the time. But rather than see it as double handling, I think it is more of an indicator that the CRM should be something that we are moving our business into. Right now, for example, we are using Dropbox to store signed forms, bookings and other documents, when we could be uploading them into the CRM instead. I want the CRM to be a hub for our business, such that when someone gets a call, they don’t write it down onto a piece of paper and then enter it in, but instead go straight into the CRM during a call.

It was challenging to convince them to switch over initially, but now they’ve started to see the value in it and we have been progressively moving towards that goal since.”

-Judi Watts, Director of Hampton Event Hire

How can a CRM help?

Less Annoying CRM is designed to hold your entire business as it relates to your contacts. Your calendar, task list, contact manager, file storage service, lead progress tracker, and more in one central place. Furthermore, integrations with other systems like Google, MailChimp, CreateForm, and BillLiving mean that you can sync up your tools if you have to use multiple systems. Once you start to focus on building up a database that has everything you need, it’s easier to begin trimming down on the number of business software that you use. And once you’ve whittled it down, you’ve cut out all the double entry that goes into maintaining them (and saved some money too)!

Tip to try: Instead of scribbling down notes on a piece of paper and then entering them into the CRM after, type up your call or meeting notes directly into the system when you are with a client. Keeping your CRM open in front of you as you go about your day (either on your computer or on your phone) ensures that you are updating the system in real-time and helps you move your business into the CRM more smoothly. As Judi suggested, instead of storing your files on your computer or in a separate system, why not save it in the CRM? This acts as a backup for your files, and also allows you (and your team) to access them whenever you can’t get to your computer.

Once you start using the CRM as a central hub, you can start to run your business through the system. This minimizes any double entry, and makes your life just that much simpler! We hope Judi’s tip has been useful, and if you have any questions just contact us!

Next up:
Data entry, user spotlight
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