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Bulk editing pipeline fields

Important details to understand before editing:
  • Bulk editing is extremely difficult, and in some cases impossible, to undo.
  • Bulk editing pipeline fields will update existing values to the exact same entered value for all selected pipeline items. Make absolutely certain you’ve made the appropriate selections before confirming any bulk editing.
  • If you edit a checkbox list, only the newly selected options will be saved. The originally selected options will be removed, and only the new selections from the bulk update will be saved.
  • If you have additional questions, or are in any way unsure, please contact us before making any bulk edits.
Here’s how to edit pipeline fields in bulk:
  • Please be sure that you understand the points above completely before proceeding. Undoing bulk updates is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible.
  • Go to the desired pipeline report by mousing over “Reports” in the navigation bar on the left and selecting the appropriate pipeline name.
  • If necessary, filter your pipeline report by any desired criteria to pull up just the appropriate records.
  • Tick the "Select all" box above the first contact and select all of the records. Or, tick just the box to the left of the desired records.
  • Select “Perform bulk action on [number] records” at the bottom of the screen.  In the dialog that opens, select “Edit field value.”
  • Choose the current pipeline, and then select the appropriate field. Enter the new value in the field that appears.
  • Please note: it is possible to edit contact or company fields from the pipeline by selecting the record type instead of the current pipeline.
  • If applicable, select “Add another field to edit” to update another field at the same time. Select the current pipeline, field, and enter the new value. If necessary, repeat this step to select all desired fields for update.
  • Make absolutely certain you’ve made the appropriate selections before proceeding. If you’re unsure of any selections, please contact us before confirming the changes.
  • Once you’ve confirmed the desired selections, click on the button “Continue.” Then select “Save edits” to confirm the field updates.
Next up:
Update, change, mass
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