Creating and editing task templates
Learn how to create a task template:
- Go to the Tasks settings page by mousing over “Settings” and selecting “Tasks” in the menu.
- To set a default task, select the “Default task” option below “Default task settings.”
- In the dialog, enter a task name. If necessary, select which calendar you’d like the task to be added to.
- Enter a due date. We recommend selecting a relative due date to make it due a certain number of days from today, or you can select an exact due date.
- Save the changes to create a default that will be applied to all newly created tasks going forward.
- To create additional templates, select the button “Add a task template.”
- In the dialog, enter a task name. If necessary, select which calendar you’d like the task to be added to.
- Enter a due date. We recommend selecting a relative due date to make it due a certain number of days from today, or you can select an exact due date.
- If necessary, select to assign the task to another user, and enter a description. Be sure to save the template!
- Going forward, when you create a new task the default task settings will apply, or you can select a template from the dropdown to make task creation easier.
Learn how to edit existing task templates:
- Go to the Tasks settings page by mousing over “Settings” and selecting “Tasks” in the menu.
- To edit the default task, select the current default task name below “Default task settings.”
- In the dialog, make any changes as desired. To remove the default task, delete the task name and set a relative due date in 0 days. Be sure to save changes!
- To edit additional task templates, select the task name, make any desired changes, and save. To delete the template, select “Delete template” in the upper right.
- Those changes will be applied to new tasks created using the template going forward, but will not be applied retroactively to existing tasks.
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