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What happens to my data after I close my account?

Here's what you can expect after closing an account: 

  • After you close your account, we’ll store your data for one calendar year. We retain your data on our encrypted servers for a year in case you decide to return or realize you didn’t export important information.
  • Within this year, you can reach out to us (via the same email address that you signed up with) to reopen your account.
  • After a year, your account will be completely deleted and the data rendered irretrievable.
  • With Less Annoying CRM, you always own your data — if you’d like us to permanently delete your account data before the one-year mark, contact us and we’ll be happy to take care of that for you.
  • If you’d like to learn more about our commitment to keeping your data private, you can check out the Security Center.
Next up:
Closing account, data deletion, cancel account
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