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Syncing with Google Calendar

Here's how to sync LACRM with Google Calendar:

  • Please note: the calendar integration will only sync events. Tasks do not sync.
  • Mouse over "Settings" and select "Integrations" in the menu.
  • Select “Connect your calendar” under “Calendar.” Then, choose “Connect a Google account” in the dialog.
  • Select the button "Authorize the integration with Google Calendar" on the next page.
  • Read the dialog that opens carefully! Once you're sure you understand each point, select "Proceed to authorize the sync with Google."
  • Choose the appropriate Google account. Select the Google account you're currently logged into, or select "Use another account" to log into a different account.
  • Select "Allow" to grant LACRM access to your Google account.
  • Match up your Google calendar(s) with the corresponding LACRM calendar(s). For example, match your primary Google calendar with your primary LACRM calendar.
  • Click the button "Finalize the sync with Google" to begin syncing.
  • The sync will take a few seconds to run, longer if you have a lot of events to sync. You can navigate to another page and continue using the CRM while the event data syncs over.
  • Please note: recurring events are tricky to sync. In order to avoid issues, we recommend editing recurring events from LACRM, not Google.
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Google Calendar, calendar sync
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