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How to Track Customer Feedback and Increase your Sales

Regularly collecting feedback from your customers can help you improve your sales process and expand your sales with the customers that already love you. You can use the CRM in combination with surveys to store survey results and get back in touch with your existing customers. If you sell multiple products or have multiple services, you can even include an option for customers to select new items they’d like to hear about!

The CRM itself doesn’t have survey capability but there are a couple of integrations available, as well as a number of non-integrated programs you can use to create and send surveys. Options range in price, and some examples include AgileForms, Survey Monkey, Google Form, and CreateForm if you don’t already have a program you use for surveys. Once you have a survey you like, you can create a pipeline in the CRM to track survey results, and help turn the surveys into more sales.

Creating a new pipeline is easy -- simply mouse over “Settings” in the navigation bar, select  Customize your pipelines, and then choose “Create a new pipeline” near the top of the page. Then, select to “Create the pipeline from scratch,” fill in a name for the pipeline, and choose an icon that you like.

The next step is to create both active and closed statuses for your pipeline. You’ll start with two basic statuses, “Active” and “Closed.” Select “Rename” beneath each of those to change the name to something that better fits your process. You might start with active statuses like “Sent in feedback,” “Thank you email sent,” “Follow up” and “Estimate.” Each of those statuses will track where you are in response to the survey, and you can find which survey results are likely to turn into more sales (through the Follow up and Estimate statuses). For closed statuses, you can use two different statuses; “Closed” and “Converted to sale.” The “Converted to sale” option allows you to see which surveys became sales, and you can compare those to the “Closed” status. Remember, you can tweak the pipeline as you go, so feel free to change the statuses as you start using the pipeline to find out what works best.

You can also track survey results within the pipeline. Simply copy and paste the results from your survey into the notes field within the pipeline. If you have a very quantitative survey you can even add custom pipeline fields to enter the data. Adding custom pipeline fields will also allow you to filter and sort by the survey results later on, which can be particularly helpful if you make changes based on feedback and would like to notify those who suggested the change.

Finally, start using the pipeline! As you receive responses to your survey, attach a Customer Feedback pipeline from the contact record, being sure to enter the survey results in the note. As you move them through the pipeline, you’ll hopefully have a chance to bring up other products or services they might be interested in, and turn your already happy customers into more sales.

Pipelines are the most powerful feature of LACRM, but also the most confusing. If you're overwhelmed or need a hand getting set up, please do contact us. We've set up a lot of pipelines in our time, and we're pretty good at it!

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Feedback tracking, survey
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