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LACRM for your industry

Interested in using LACRM, but not sure if it’s a fit for your type of business? Learn more about how industry professionals use LACRM:
  • Career Services. Track employer partnerships, recruitment opportunities, and available roles at a company. Segment your alumni, employers, and even students to keep track of everyone in one place.
  • Coaching (Business and Life). Track leads, goals, plan type and growth plan. Segment your current clients and networking clients to help your business grow.
  • Consulting. Track new leads and what services they need. Keep track of ongoing client projects, services you’re providing, and development.
  • Education. Track student recruits, program of interest, starting year, and financial aid needs. Segment your alumni to stay in touch with past graduates.
  • Financial Planning. Track client leads, appointments, risk tolerance, account types, investment types, and annual reviews. Segment financial planning clients and other professionals you work with.
  • Insurance Agent/Agency. Track new clients, policy details, enrollment and expiration dates. Segment clients and track spouses/partners, dependents and where they came from.
  • Manufacturing. Track sales and customer orders from quote to production. Segment your distributors, retailers, and customers.
  • Non-Profit. Track opportunities, committed donations, and received donations. Segment your current members and volunteers.
  • Real Estate. Track buyer leads, source, property address, and budget. Track seller leads, best offer, sale amount, and idea sale date. Segment past buyers and past sellers from current clients.
  • Recruiting. Track client leads, source, and offered positions. Track candidates, interviews, position, employer name, start date, and commissions.
  • Sales. Track sales lead, lead value, source, and product or service of interest.
  • Technology/Software/IT. Track sales leads, customer issues, and resolution of issues.
  • Travel Agent/Agency. Track client leads and sources. Track travel bookings, payments, travel dates, vacation features, destination, and commission. Save client’s spouse/partner and children’s names, preferred airline, and passport details. Segment current clients, past clients, personal contacts, and vendors.
And more! If you’re interested in getting one or more of these industry templates, let us know and we can add them to your account. Or, learn more about industry templates here.
If you don’t see an option listed here, we’d be happy to schedule a call to discuss how the CRM can fit your business and how you can best customize the CRM to fit your needs.
Next up:
Industry, template, setup, set up, customization
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