If you're a manager, here are a few ways to monitor the activity of your employees in the CRM:
- The Activity report shows a feed of all activity in your CRM (notes, emails, leads, tasks, etc.). Select the “Assigned user" option in the “Sort and filter” section on the left to only show activity for a specific user.
- The Pipeline report shows a list of contacts and their attached pipelines by status type. Depending on your account setup, you may have multiple pipeline reports. Select the “Assigned user" option in the “Sort and filter” section on the left to only show a specific user’s assigned records. Learn more about using the pipeline report here.
- The Task report shows users’ completed and incomplete tasks. Select the "Assgined user” option in the “Sort and filter” section on the left to view a specific user’s tasks, and use the “Completion Status” option to see what they’ve accomplished.
- If you share calendars with other users, view their tasks and events from the Calendar page. Just click the checkbox next to a user's name to show their events and tasks.
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