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Structuring your teams

Here are some tips and tricks on setting up teams: 
  • Think about how your company is structured and how you work when creating teams.
  • If you have separate Marketing and Sales departments, you can create a team of users for each department. Then the Marketing team can share the groups and pipelines they need, and the Sales team can share the groups and pipelines they need.
  • If you have offices in different locations, you can designate teams for each office. Each location can share the groups and pipelines they need.
  • If you have a special project, you can create a temporary team just for that project. For example, if you're planning a big customer appreciation event you can create a team with just the users involved in customer appreciation. They can share groups to prepare for the event, without cluttering up the group list for everyone else.
  • Not sure what teams are? Learn more about teams here.
Next up:
Teams, group permissions, group access, team
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