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This article has been updated for the latest version of Less Annoying CRM. If your CRM looks different, you can click here to upgrade to the newest version of LACRM!

Adding your logo in LACRM

Learn how to upload your logo into the top left corner of LACRM:

  • Mouse over “Settings” and select “Company branding” in the menu.
  • Please note: only admins can edit the logo. If you don't see that option, you'll need to contact an admin on your account.
  • Select “Add photo” to upload your logo into the CRM.
  • The supported file formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif (these are non-animated .gif files; if you upload an animated .gif file, it won’t animate when we display it).
  • The display image size is 135px wide by 70px high. The ideal image is a rectangle or square that’s close to that size. We’ll always resize it down, so as long as it’s close to that ratio, it will look pretty good.
  • When scaling your image, we’ll try to fit it to the maximum height while preserving the same ratio to the width. The goal is to get the image to fit as best as we can without stretching it.
Next up:
Company logo, uploading logo, format, formatting
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