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LACRM's training and support

LACRM comes with free email and phone support, even if you're not a paying customer. We're happy to answer any questions, help you decide how to customize your account, and even offer training to your employees and you over the phone or through an online meeting.

Learn more about the different types of support and training we offer:

  • Help center. Our help center (where you are now) is a great collection of resources to help you find the answers you need. We have articles on every feature and integration of LACRM and this will be the fastest way for you to find any answer to a CRM question.
  • Email/Contact form support. You can always reach out to us by emailing us at, or just via our Contact us page. This is normally the best way to reach out if you have an issue that requires showing us a screenshot of your account, or a more in-depth question.
  • Phone support. Our phone hours are from 9am until 4:30pm Central time in the USA, on weekdays. If you want to chat with someone on the team and have a quick question, just give us a call at (877) 666-6467. If our lines are busy, leave us a voicemail with your name and number so that we can call you back!
  • Scheduled screenshare call. For more in-depth account reviews or demos, we'd recommend booking a consultation with us via our scheduler here. These calls can be 25 minutes or 50 minutes long, and it will block off this time on our calendar to dedicate to speaking with you. Do be sure to reschedule or let us know in advance if you need to cancel -- that will let us free up our time to chat with other customers!
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Support, training, customer service
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