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Donation pipeline template

Purpose: this pipeline is intended to help you track receiving and processing donations. If you’re a nonprofit or you collect donations for annual events, you probably need a pipeline like this.

How It Works:

  1. Create the pipeline by going to your Pipelines Settings page. You can only reach this page if you are the admin or owner on an account. On that page, click “Create a new pipeline,” and start with one of our existing pipeline templates.
  2. When someone sends in a donation, attach a Donation pipeline to their contact record in the CRM. Be sure to fill out the donation amount and leave a note about the reason or dedication.
  3. Once you've thanked someone for their donation, close out their pipeline attachment! If they submit another donation in the future, you can attach a new Donation to their record.

Potential customizations:

  • Donations for specific events or causes: you can add a custom field called “For” in order to track what exactly the donation is for: an event, a particular program you run, a sponsorship, etc. If you frequently collect donations for the same few causes, such as your annual gala, you might want to make this field a dropdown so that you can easily populate it with the correct cause. You can also use the display settings to more easily distinguish where each donation on a contact record went.
  • Soliciting donations: if you regularly solicit donations, you might want to create an extra active status for “Solicited,” and closed statuses for “No response” and “Refused.”

See our full list of pipeline templates here. If you have any questions about pipelines, contact us and we’d be happy to help!

Next up:
Donation tracking, funding
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