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An LACRM filtering masterclass

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One of LACRM's big superpowers is that you can sort/filter by any field you have in your account, including any custom fields you create on your own!

What this means is that you can use any of the pieces of data you've already entered about a contact to identify them.

Whether the concept of filtering for data is totally new to you or if you're already a pro, here are 3 tiers of data filtering you can try (in order of power 💥):

Tier 1: Filter by a single field.

Two of the more common default fields that LACRM users filter by are: birthday, and address.

🎁 Filtering by birthday lets you see for example, everyone with a birthday coming up in the month of April. 🗺️ Filtering by the "City" field, lets you see everyone located in a specific city. You can of course also use these filters for any custom fields that you've created on your own to identify people who are interested in specific products, come from a particular source, or anything else you track!

Tier 2: Filter by an auto-created LACRM field.

In addition to default and custom fields, there are some additional information that LACRM automatically keeps track of that you can also filter by.

For example, you can filter to see every contact/company that was created on a specific date (or date range) -- useful if you want to see every new lead that came in from a marketing event or email campaign. Or, you can 🐤 filter to see every person who is turning a certain age this year (especially important for those in the insurance industry!).

The handiest "secret" filter?Filtering to see every contact that doesn't currently have a pending task or event attached to them. This filter helps you make sure no lead is slipping through the cracks!

Tier 3: Combine multiple filters together

The most powerful way to use LACRM's filter tool is to stack filters on top of one another.

This lets you 🧱 set more than one filter at a time so you can see everyone who is turning 45 this year, and is located in St. Louis, and is interested in purchasing SuperAmazingProduct. Whew.

An extra bonus: you know that I-swear-I-know-that-person's-name-I-think-it's-George-but-it-could-be-John-aghhh-it's-right-on-the-tip-of-my-tongue feeling?

Well, if you can recall some random information about them, you can simply stack all those pieces together in a series of filters to narrow down who this mystery person could be! Thank me later, Nancy Drew 🕵️ !

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