Terms of service

Terms of Service Summary: Here's an attempt at briefly and concisely summarizing some key points of these Terms of Service in non-legal-jargon.

The following terms and conditions govern all use of the LessAnnoyingCRM.com website ("Service") and all content, services and products available at or through the website. The Service is owned and operated by Less Annoying CRM, LLC. ("Less Annoying CRM"). The Service is offered subject to your acceptance without modification of all of the terms and conditions contained herein and all other operating rules, policies (including, without limitation, Less Annoying CRM’s Privacy Policy) and procedures that may be published from time to time on this Site by Less Annoying CRM (collectively, the "Agreement"). This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Missouri without reference to conflict of laws principles. Any disputes under this Agreement may be brought in the state courts and the Federal courts located in St. Louis, Missouri, and the parties hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction and venue of these courts.

Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using the Service. By accessing or using any part of the website, you agree to become bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If these terms and conditions are considered an offer by Less Annoying CRM, acceptance is expressly limited to these terms. The failure of Less Annoying CRM to exercise or enforce any right granted in the Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such rights, and the Terms of Service at all times constitutes the complete agreement between you and Less Annoying CRM, superseding and prior agreements.

General Terms

  1. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, you must stop using the Service immediately. You may only use the Service upon agreeing to these Terms.
  2. You must be at least 13 years old to use the Service.
  3. Your use of the Service is undertaken at your own risk. The Service is presented "as is" and "as available."
  4. You must provide a valid name, a valid email address, and any other information requested as a part of the signup process.
  5. The security of your password and account name are solely your responsibility. The Service cannot be held responsible or liable for any loss resulting from the failure to comply with this security obligation.
  6. You may not use the Service for any unauthorized or illegal purposes. You may not use the Service in violation of any laws in your jurisdiction.
  7. You are responsible for the all activity that occurs under your account, including posted Content. You are also responsible for all activity and Content posted by others who have accounts under your account.
  8. Less Annoying CRM does not expressly guarantee or warrant that your use of the Service will meet your requirements, nor that your use of the Service will be uninterrupted or free from error. Less Annoying CRM does not expressly guarantee that any and all defects in the operation of the Service will be corrected.
  9. Technical support is provided via email and phone, and is available to both trial users and paying users. Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to refuse support for any reason.
  10. You acknowledge and understand that Less Annoying CRM uses third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary infrastructure (hardware, software, networking, storage, etc.) to run the Service.
  11. Abuse of any Less Annoying CRM user or employee (written, physical, or verbal) will result in immediate account termination.
  12. You may not use the Service to transmit any malicious code, such as viruses or worms.
  13. If your usage far exceeds the average of other Less Annoying CRM users, Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to deactivate your account until a time at which your usage can be restored to more normal levels.
  14. Less Annoying CRM cannot be held responsible for any damages, loss, or harm (direct, indirect, incidental, or otherwise) resulting from a lack of access to the Service, the result of any Content stored in the Service or the procurement thereof, unauthorized access to your account, data, or transmissions, or any other matter relating to the Service.

Payment and Refunding Terms

  1. A valid credit card is required to maintain an active account after the end of the free trial period.
  2. All accounts are granted a 30-day free trial upon registration. After the trial has ended, a notification will be posted on your account and a grace period of approximately five days will commence. If at the end of the grace period billing information has not been entered, the account is subject to archiving or deletion by the Service.
  3. If billing information is entered prior to the end of the trial period, the first month’s payment will be billed immediately. Any remaining trial days will be added to the subsequent monthly payment cycle.
  4. The service is billed monthly in advance and is non-refundable. Less Annoying CRM will consider requests for refunds of the latest month’s payment at their discretion.
  5. All fees issued by the Service are exclusive of taxes, levies, or duties imposed by the relevant taxing authorities of your jurisdiction. You shall be responsible for any such taxes, levies, or duties.

Cancellation Terms

  1. If you wish to cancel your account with the Service, you are responsible for properly ensuring this cancellation. While the Service may assist you in cancellation in the event of your account via email or phone, an email or phone call is not considered cancellation. Cancellation can be completed at any time by opening your account settings and clicking the button that reads "Cancel your account."
  2. If you cancel your account in advance of your billing date for the upcoming month, your credit card will not be charged again.
  3. All of the information in your account is subject to indefinite archiving or deletion upon the cancellation of your account. Should any of your data remain on the Service’s servers after cancellation, no data will be viewed or disseminated in any way without your consent. You may request that we fully delete all of your data upon your cancellation.
  4. Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time and for any reason if it deems such action necessary. Such cancellation will subject your account’s data to the deletion or archiving previously detailed. Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, and for any reason.
  5. Less Annoying CRM also reserves the right to throttle access or impose limitations on use at anytime for any reason deemed necessary.

Modification Terms

  1. Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the Service (or any part of the Service) at any time, and for any length of time, with or without notice.
  2. Prices for the service are subject to change with 30 days notice from Less Annoying CRM. Such notice may be provided via LessAnnoyingCRM.com, the Service itself, and/or email notification to the address provided upon registration.
  3. Less Annoying CRM is not liable to you or any third party for any changes made to the service, alterations to the pricing of the Service, or discontinuation of the Service.
  4. You acknowledge that the Service is subject to change in form at any time without your prior consent as Less Annoying CRM works to improve and innovate upon the existing Service.

Content Terms

  1. All content added to the Service must comply with US copyright law.
  2. You retain ownership of and intellectual property rights over any Content added to your account in Less Annoying CRM, in accordance with Less Annoying CRM’s privacy policy.
  3. Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to remove Content that is available via the Service at its discretion. Less Annoying CRM is not obligated to remove Content from the Service at any time.
  4. You may not copy, sell, distribute, reverse-engineer, duplicate, or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the Service or any part thereof. All aspects of the Service, including functionality and design, are copyright ©2020 Less Annoying CRM, LLC, all rights reserved.

API Terms

  1. In the event that you access your Less Annoying CRM account through an API (Application Program Interface), you understand that Less Annoying CRM is not liable for any damages (direct, indirect, incidental, or otherwise) resulting from the use of the API or third-party products that access your data via the API.
  2. If Less Annoying CRM determines that you have abused your access to the Service’s API, Less Annoying CRM may terminate your account’s access to the API, temporarily or permanently. Actions that constitute abuse are at the discretion of Less Annoying CRM.
  3. Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to terminate or suspend your account’s access to the API at any time with or without notice, for any reason.
  4. There are no specific limits on API usage, but Less Annoying CRM reserves the right to throttle access if the usage is deemed excessive.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive set of regulations made by the European Union that dictates what companies like Less Annoying CRM must do in order to properly protect our customers’ data.The Less Annoying CRM Data Processing Agreement ("DPA") defines how we process your data in compliance with GDPR, and includes the EU Standard Contractual Clauses. These terms of service act as a contract between Less Annoying CRM and the terms of the DPA are included in that contract.

Questions or feedback regarding the Terms of Service agreement can be directed to Less Annoying CRM support at help@lessannoyingcrm.com.