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New feature: Block users from deleting data

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Good news! We just improved admin permissions in Less Annoying CRM.

For a while now, one of the top complaints from admins of multi-user accounts has been that their users keep deleting data they aren't supposed to. Even though we've always been able to restore data for you if you ask, wouldn't it be even better if the data never got deleted in the first place?

Now, you can control whether or not your users are able to delete certain types of data in the CRM. Just head over to the user settings page and click "edit" under a user's name. Under the Permissions section, you'll see an option to block them from deleting contacts, notes, pipeline items, emails, files, and relationships.

Note: Unless you have a specific problem with users deleting data they shouldn't, we encourage you to let users delete data by default. This lets everyone on the account maintain the data so that things stay tidy.

Watch the video below to see how this new feature works:

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