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2018: Less Annoying CRM's Year in Review!

Check out how many new customers, employees, and square feet of office space the Less Annoying team gained in 2018.
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2018 has come and gone, and we’ve made lots of big strides here at less annoying crm. we welcomed 3 new members to our team: kelly, katelyn and reno. our userbase soared to 19500+ users (and growing!). the whole team’s been hard at work making it all happen. our developers deployed 357 updates this year, including: new calendar, improved importing tools, smarter email logging, and updated tutorial guides. our crm coaches talk with our users every single day! as a team, we’ve answered: 15,400+ help requests, 2,700+ phone consults, and 1,850+ onboarding demos. we built on some of our new ideas...Julia and Eunice presented over 100 webinars to more than 800 unique participants. This summer, we hosted 6 new students in our coding fellowship, a program that teaches coding skills to people from underrepresented groups in tech. And we’re still innovating. This year, we launched a mentorship program to help our summer interns get the most out of their time here. We had our first-ever diversity and inclusion training workshop. And outside of work hours, our developers teamed up for a coding challenge called Global Hack, an annual competition that brings together technologists and students right here in St. Louis to create apps and software with a social impact. This year, we also moved into our new offices! We only moved 5 floors, but our square footage has almost doubled in the move. We also got to show off our new space at LACRM’s first-ever user conference.

Click here to learn more about Less Annoying CRM's Coding Fellowship!

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