When we announced LACRM’s new design, we focused a lot on the four major new features that come with this new design. (If you want to learn more about those features, check out this blog post!) Since then, there have been a lot of other exciting improvements made to the new design. With this new design, LACRM users now have the ability to delete default fields, color-code dropdown and checkbox fields, and customize pipeline field badges.
The designers and developers have also made a lot of small changes to the CRM with this new design. These changes are so subtle you might not have noticed them - but we think they will improve your day-to-day experience using the CRM.
A lot of what makes software annoying or (as we hope) less annoying in our case, is based on the care that goes into small details. Here’s a few of those details our developers and designers spent time thinking about, so you don’t have to.
Add a pipeline item from anywhere
Pipelines are one of of the most powerful and customizable tools in LACRM. We wanted to make it easier to add a pipeline item, no matter where you are in the CRM. Now, rather than navigating to the page of all of your contacts, then a particular contact record, and then clicking on a pipeline item under “attach an item,” you can add a pipeline item right away under the new add menu. Either attach the pipeline item to an existing company or contact or create a new one, all in the same window!

This new option to add a pipeline item from anywhere in the CRM is one way our designers and developers have worked to save you clicks in the new design and made the CRM more intuitive to navigate.
See which users are on an event more easily
If you have a multi-user account, the pictures or initials of other users and contacts attending an event will now show up on the corner of the event. So you’ll know at a glance who is attending your event without having to open up the event. And if you toggle your colleagues’ calendars on, you’ll also be able see a stripe of their calendar color on an event if it is one they are attending. This small detail will make a big difference in creating a clearer and less cluttered calendar for multi-user accounts

Instant collaboration with events and groups
Have you ever created a new calendar event in LACRM and added your colleagues to it, only to refresh the page and realize another colleague was simultaneously creating an event on their calendar that nows conflicts with your event? This kind of headache can now be avoided - now, if you create a new event, it will appear on other users’ calendars immediately - no need to refresh your CRM. And if a colleague adds you to an event, that event will pop up immediately on your calendar as well - no delay. This is a tiny improvement, but we hope it makes the CRM less annoying to use day-to-day.
Similarly, if your colleague adds a contact to a group, that group label will pop up for you instantaneously now - no refresh required here as well. And this is true on your colleagues end as well if you add a contact they are looking at to a group.

"Select all" button is easier to see
This is a really subtle change, but now the white bar that includes the “Select all” button in the CRM, stands out a bit more. In the old design, it was at the very bottom of the contacts and companies list. As a CRM coach, I’ve found that sometimes people would miss this “select all” button in our old design. We hope this slight change in the design makes it easier to find that “select all” button and use our options to bulk add contacts to groups, remove them from groups, delete them, and reassign them! (Along with more bulk actions that are currently in the works.)

Calendar pop-up - changes whether you’re in an event or not on workspace
The new design's workspace has a handy new side calendar. If you have the new side calendar closed, we still want this new calendar to be useful. With the side calendar closed, you’ll see a small badge that reminding you if you have an upcoming event, if you’re currently scheduled to be at an event right now, and more. We hope this small reminder makes your workspace more functional.

Those are just a handful of the many small changes that went into this new design. We hope these many small changes have added up to a better experience for you as the CRM user. If you'd like to be kept up to date on all the the major changes to the CRM, check out our product update blog posts.
Please always feel free to email us for help or feedback at help@lessannoyingcrm.com. Many of the feature updates our developers create start as an idea from a CRM user. Every week, the entire company sits together and discusses ideas we've heard from customers on how we can improve the CRM. We really appreciate the way our customers help make the CRM "less annoying."
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