Form Template for Recruiting

Check out how our new forms feature can help you save time as a recruiter!
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As a recruiter, you want to help the companies you work with find the best possible candidates for their job openings. And you want the job seekers you are helping to find the perfect fit for them. Our new forms tool can make it easier to track both the job seekers and employers you work with.

And the best part is, the form tool works seamlessly with the fields you already have in your CRM. So when someone fills out your form, a new contact or company will be created, along with corresponding fields. Navigate to the forms section under settings to get started.

Before we dive in to a specific form for recruiters, here are some basics about the forms tool you should know:

  • You will build your form out of fields in your CRM. You can also choose to create forms with questions that do not link to a field in the CRM but most of the time, the big advantage of the forms feature is the ability to easily create contacts, companies, and pipelines when someone fills out your form.
  • Forms are a tool to create new records, rather than update existing ones. So this feature is best to use for brand new prospects and clients, rather than existing ones.

Let’s start by adding in the very basics - company name, email, phone, website and address. These fields will be useful for any industry that works directly with businesses, not only recruiting.

Next, let’s add some fields that will be particularly useful for recruiters. I am choosing a “source” field to help me understand where a particular business heard about me from. I also have an industry field.

Take a look at some industry specific form field ideas

Now, some of the wording here makes sense internally - “Source” for example. But it isn’t the most friendly for potential employers I want to work with. So let’s change some of the form question wording. Any changes I make on this form won’t change the names of fields in the CRM - it will just change the name of the form questions.

This new version is going to save the exact same information to my CRM, I just changed the language slightly so that my employer leads see something different on their end. I changed my “Source” to say “Where did you hear about us” on my form, as seen in the screenshot below. This data will still be mapped back to the “Source” field when an employer lead fills out the form:

Here's an example of improved wording on form fields

I can further personalize the form by adding my logo, company name, and even a branding color on the company branding settings page.

Take a look at the finished product below, with my company name, logo, and preferred color choice. I’ve also adjusted the text to make it easier to use for my employer leads.

This is how the form will look to someone filling it out

Let’s say a potential employer partner, Jennifer, fills out the form as seen below:

Here is an example of what a filled out form looks like

When Jennifer fills out the form, I’ll receive an email notification notifying me and also showing me the filled out form:

Take a look at an example notification - you'll receive an email like this when someone fills out a form

That form will turn into the following company record as well as a contact record with a pipeline automatically attached, as well as the full form for your reference. As you can see in the screenshot below, any relevant fields or custom fields were filled in automatically.

Once someone submits the form, you'll see all of this information in the CRM

Eliminate data entry time with this new form tool. Give it a try today! If you need some additional help, please send us an email - we can help you set up your own forms, tailored to your needs. We would be happy to help.

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