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4 ways to customize LACRM as a real estate agent

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As a real estate agent, you're juggling relationships with a lot of different people: buyers, sellers, lenders, construction agencies, other real estate agents and more. The last thing you need is to forget important conversations or send documents to the wrong people. LACRM fits into your busy schedule by handling the organizational work for you so you can spend more time evaluating properties, representing buyers and sellers, and building your portfolios.

Here are 4 customizations you can add to your LACRM to optimize it for your real estate business:

1) Use contact or company records as property files.

While LACRM is built around contacts and companies, there are oftentimes situations where you want to create a "folder" for a different type of entity entirely. For real estate agents, this is most commonly a property. Instead of forcing yourself to only use contacts as contacts and companies and companies, think of contacts and companies as folders for any kind of thing. You can make the name of a "contact" a property address, and boom, you've got a hub for all the information on that property in one place. You can create whatever custom fields you need to store information on that property as well as upload documents, blueprints, quotes pertinent to that specific property.

2) Create contact-link fields to associate buyers with sellers, construction agencies with properties, and lenders with anyone they are working with.

When you're working with so many types of contacts and businesses, it's not only important to be on top of your relationships with them, but also their relationships with each other. A contact-link field is an easy way to organize internal relationships between your contacts and companies.

If you're working with a soon-to-be built property and need to keep track of which construction company is working with which property, create a custom contact-link field to associate a property or contact with that location. This way, you can also easily see all the properties any one construction company is working with right on their profile pages.

Here's a tutorial on how to create a contact-link field.

3) Sort your follow-ups and events into multiple calendars to organize your day at a glance.

As a real estate agent, your day consists of many types and categories of follow-ups and events. Create multiple calendars in LACRM so that you can color-code them and keep them organized! By having separate calendars for different types of events and follow-ups, you can take one look at your calendar and know exactly what your upcoming day is going to be like.

Here's a tutorial on how to create multiple sub-calendars.

4) Filter your buyer or seller report to pull up the best potential fits for any property in your portfolio.

In Less Annoying CRM's real estate template, you'll have a Buyer Lead and Seller Lead pipeline by default. These pipelines allow you to track the buying and selling process for any and all of your clients. But not only does it let you know where in the buying/selling process you are, it gives you a database that you can cross-reference and search. Let's say you know what a buyer's maximum budget is. You can cross reference that value to see which one of your seller's is listing a property that fits that budget to connect them by simply filtering for those fields on your Buyer and Seller reports.

The key thing here is to think of your pipeline reports as not just tracking a sale, but a trove of information for you to search through.

By cross-referencing your buyer and seller reports, you can connect Brian to any of those three properties to see if they're a good fit for him!

Here's a tutorial on how to customize your pipeline reports.

I hope these tips help you get your LACRM account set up for your real estate agency! If you're not a Less Annoying CRM user and would like to try out our real estate template to get started, you can access it here.

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