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Create your own integration bundle with LACRM

Combine various LACRM integrations to create a seamless data management experience.
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As the list of tools that integrate with Less Annoying CRM continues to grow, something you may be considering is how you can combine or use these integrations simultaneously. Here are some ideas based on where in your follow-up journey you are with your contacts -- just pick one or two from each stage to build your own bundle!

Stage 1: Add contacts or brand new leads to your CRM

Use a web form tool to collect information about your contacts, and automatically add them to your LACRM account. Integrations to try:

Use an existing contact manager to sync contacts over to your LACRM account. Integrations to try:

Stage 2: Follow up with contacts in your CRM

Use a video/phone/text tool to keep up your communications with your contacts. Integrations to try:

Use an emailing tool to send regular email follow ups to your contacts. Integrations to try:

Stage 3: Close the deal

Use a proposal tool to automatically link and send proposals to your contacts. Integrations to try:

As more integrations get built, the list in each stage will grow, but you can always see our most up-to-date collection of integrations on our Integrations Directory here! Happy bundling!

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