Product Update: Color-code Groups

Have lots of groups? Add colors to each group to visually organize them quickly and easily!
Updated on:
Color-coding your groups is an easy way to visually organize your groups!

Less Annoying CRM's newest feature lets you add even more color and spectacle to your CRM! You can now associate a color with a new or existing group to make it stand out from your list of groups.

Adding a color to an existing group is simple: just hop on over to your Group settings page, and hit "Edit" underneath the group you'd like to add a color to. Select a color from the dropdown menu and save it. That's it!

5 ways you can color-code your groups:

  1. Emphasize important groups of contacts by highlighting them in red (or some other bright color).
  2. Categorize similar groups by giving them all the same color (e.g. all groups that contain current clients can be tagged in green, all groups that contain past clients can be tagged in red etc.)
  3. Indicate which group should be managed by a specific team or person based on color (e.g. all sales-related groups are purple, all accounting-related groups are blue etc.)
  4. Create color-coded priority groups (high = red, medium = yellow, green = low) so you know which groups contain the leads that need the most aggressive follow-ups.
  5. Add a color to every single group so you can more quickly see if someone belongs to a certain group just by seeing the colored tags on their profiles!

We hope this new feature gives you a brighter way to organize your groups! As always, if you have questions, just contact us.

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