It's finally here! We're so excited to announce that after many months of designing, building, and testing...Less Annoying CRM's integration with Zapier is now live!
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a software that allows you to connect third-party systems together. They act as a bridge between Less Annoying CRM and the 5,000+ other apps that Zapier also integrates with, meaning that you can pass information from Less Annoying CRM to any of those 5,000+ apps (and vice versa!).
The way this works is that you can set up workflows (also known as "Zaps") to automate a process.
For example, I can create a Zap (read: workflow) that says:
- Whenever someone fills out a Google Form,
- send their contact details to LACRM and create a new contact for me.
Creating this Zap once means that every time someone fills out that Google Form, they'll be created as an LACRM contact automatically!
Here's more information about how Zapier works.
How can I use the Less Annoying CRM-Zapier integration?
As a bridge between apps, Zapier lets you connect your LACRM account with a huge number of third-party systems. Our integration with Zapier allows you to add notes, set tasks, add contacts, attach pipelines, update a pipeline, add contacts to a group, and update contact information.
All that to say...you can do a lot with this integration.
Some examples of what you can do:
- Add contacts into LACRM from a website form (e.g. Google Form, a "Contact us" form, a JotForm, an online survey etc.)
- Get notifications based on activity in LACRM (e.g. get a Slack notification when a new pipeline item is updated, get an email when a new contact is added to a group etc.)
- Automatically set tasks in LACRM whenever something is done in another app (e.g. set a task for yourself when a new paid order comes in from Shopify, set a task for a teammate when a new Facebook Lead comes in)
- Put contacts into an LACRM group based on tags in another software (e.g. add a contact to a specific LACRM group when someone subscribes to your newsletter, add a company to a group if they fill out a survey etc.)
How do I set up the integration between Less Annoying CRM and Zapier?
Note: Zapier is an advanced tool. If you're unfamiliar with Zapier, or aren't too sure about the type of workflows you may want to build, we highly recommend against setting up this integration. Our support team can help troubleshoot any bugs you may encounter, but will not be able to help you build Zaps.
Setting up this integration requires you to first sign up for a Zapier account.
- Zapier offers multiple tiers of features and is priced from $0/month to $599/month depending on your needs and the type of automated workflows you'd like to set up.
Once you've signed up for your Zapier account, you can build all of your Zaps directly within Zapier itself. Just search for "Less Annoying CRM" when looking for apps!
Ready to get started?
We wrote up some helpful articles about some key things about Less Annoying CRM's integration with Zapier. Even if you're very familiar with how Zapier works, take a look at these articles to learn about what's possible:
- Zapier-LACRM Glossary (a summary of our available triggers and actions, and what they mean)
- Using Zapier filters
- Using LACRM's triggers and actions (how to set up an LACRM-based zap)
- Start building your Zaps with LACRM
We hope you love this integration as much as we do! We surveyed many thoughtful Less Annoying CRM customers to build this version of the Zapier integration, and we plan to include more triggers and actions in the future as well. If you have any feedback or questions, just give us a shout!
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