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3 statistics about your clients you can pull from LACRM

And add to your end-of-year thank you notes!
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As the year wraps up, sending thoughtful, personalized thank-you notes to your clients is a fantastic way to strengthen relationships and show appreciation. But what if you could make those notes even more engaging and memorable? Using Less Annoying CRM’s simple but powerful reporting tools, you can create fun, personalized statistics about your clients that will add a touch of charm and delight to your end-of-year messages. Here are three tips to get started:  

1. Highlight Their Participation with Event Statistics

If your business hosts events—whether they’re webinars, workshops, or in-person meetups—Less Annoying CRM’s activity report can track the number of events a client has attended throughout the year. Use this data to acknowledge and celebrate their involvement. Here's a tutorial on how to filter your activity report to find all the events on your calendar over the past year -- once you export this report out into a spreadsheet, you can find the number of times a specific contact has attended an event you've hosted by searching for their name in the spreadsheet!

For example, your note could say:  
"Thank you for being such an active participant in our community! You attended 5 of our events this year—your enthusiasm and insights made each one more special. We can’t wait to see you at more events in the coming year!"

Recognizing their participation not only shows that you’re paying attention but also reinforces their value as a member of your community.  

2. Count the Conversations You've Shared

Track the number of emails or other logged interactions you’ve had with each client using the activity report. This data can provide a fun way to show how engaged you’ve been in your relationship.  Like tip 1 above, you can do this by filtering your activity report to find all the emails you sent and received over the year, export it out into a spreadsheet, and search for a contact's name to see how many email interactions you've had with them.

For example, you might write:  
"This year, we’ve exchanged 37 emails, sharing ideas, updates, and solutions. It’s been a pleasure staying connected, and we truly value every interaction with you!"

This small detail demonstrates your attentiveness and reminds the client how much effort you’ve put into staying in touch. It also helps them feel like they’re more than just a number—they’re part of a meaningful dialogue.  

3. Celebrate Their Achievements with Order Statistics

If you track orders or sales via LACRM’s pipeline tool, you can pull reports to see how many purchases a client made or the total value of their orders. Use these statistics to acknowledge their loyalty and contributions to your business’s success.  Here's how to filter your pipeline report.

For instance:  
"Wow! This year, you placed 12 orders, making you one of our top customers. Your support means the world to us, and we’re honored to be part of your journey. Here’s to another great year together!"

Including a specific number adds a touch of excitement and reinforces their importance to your business, while still keeping the tone celebratory and personal.  

Why It Works

Personalized statistics make your thank-you notes stand out. They’re a fun, creative way to show that you’re paying attention and that you truly value the relationship. By using Less Annoying CRM’s simple tools to track interactions, events, and purchases, you can easily generate these unique insights and turn a standard note into something special.  

This year, go beyond the usual generic messages. Delight your clients with tailored stats that show just how much they’ve contributed to your success—and remind them why they should stick around for another year.

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