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Use Twilert to monitor what people say about you on Twitter

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Do you use Twitter to help promote your business? Even if you don't, there's a good chance that other people are talking about your product or brand, and that's the type of thing you should know about. Twilert is the easiest tool that I've seen for staying up to date on everything that's being said about you on Twitter.

A while back I explained how Google Alerts will send you emails about new content that matches whatever keywords you want to monitor. Twilert is basically the same thing, but it specifically monitors Twitter (which Google Alerts doesn't do). You just enter whatever searches you want to follow, and they'll send you emails to let you know if there are new results.

Twilert is a pretty basic service, but there are two things that I really like about it. First, it's incredibly easy to start using it. You can log in using your Google or Twitter accounts, and they don't ask for any additional information. Another thing I really like is that you can decide when you want to receive emails. When you're getting scheduled email every day, it really helps to be able to pick a time that won't disrupt your normal workflow (I hope the Google Alerts team is listening).

If you're wondering how this could be useful, let's use this blog post as an example. All our posts on this blog are automatically published to our Twitter account. I assume that the makers of Twilert are monitoring that keyword on Twitter, so they'll receive an email letting them know that I mentioned them in this blog post. They could then come to this site and answer any questions or criticisms in the comments (if there are any). Using Twilert helps a company control and expand their online brand.

Whether or not you use Twitter yourself, I strongly recommend spending a few minutes setting up an account at so that you'll know what everyone else is saying about you.

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