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Learn more about teams here:

  • A team is set of users that work together, like a marketing team or customer service team.
  • The Teams feature allows you to share groups and pipelines with a particular team, or set, of users.
  • Please note: only admins on an account have access to the Teams feature. If you don't see that option, you'll need to contact an admin on your account.
  • Learn how to create teams here.

Using teams with groups:

  • Without using a team, groups can be only private (visible only to you) or public (shared with your entire account). Learn more about group visibility here. Using only public groups can become cluttered and confusing for other users.
  • Teams can help keep your group list clean by segmenting group permissions so multiple users can share a group, without giving everyone else access to that same group.
  • Learn how to manage group permissions with teams here.

Using teams with pipelines:

  • Pipelines are always public (shared with your entire account) unless they’re shared with specific teams.
  • If a pipeline is shared with a specific team, users NOT on that team will not see the pipeline from their account. They will not see the pipeline in reports, on the Workspace, in the “Attach an item” dropdown, or in contact histories.
  • Learn how to manage pipeline permissions with teams here.
Next up:
Structuring your teams
Teams, group permissions, group access, pipeline permissions, pipeline access, team
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