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Use customer feedback to expand your sales

This article was included in the February 9, 2016 issue of the LACRM Newsletter.

This week, we have more tips from Alejandro Escalante, Owner of Alphagraphics Sunnyvale. Alejandro has previously shared with us about how he has productive sales meetings, and today’s nifty tip is about how he uses customer feedback to his advantage:

“When it comes to print shops, there are lots of options out there. We want to make sure that our customers know just how we are different from our competitors, so we use short and simple surveys to learn more about each sale.

We ask them two quick questions about the product and the service they received, and we end the survey with a list of products that we offer. This way, they can let us know what they are interested in learning more about, and we can follow up with them and expand our sales.”

-Alejandro Escalante, Owner of Alphagraphics Sunnyvale

How can a CRM help?

While the CRM itself can’t produce surveys (you can do that for free with Google Forms or SurveyMonkey), it can store valuable information about each survey response. Alejandro uses both his survey tools and the CRM in tandem and saves survey results as notes in a contact’s record. He also makes sure that he attaches a pipeline to each customer who sent in a response, letting their designated salesperson know that a follow-up is necessary. This way, your customer gets to learn more about a product they previously weren’t sure about, and you learn more about how to better meet their needs!

Tip to try: If you regularly collect feedback from your customers, why not create a pipeline to track your follow-up process? This helps you make sure that no one falls through the cracks, and that you are providing your customers with all of the information they want. If you have a sales team, you can create a series of statuses that let your salespeople know exactly how they should be following up with their customers. Turn every sale into a wealth of opportunities! Click here for a quick tutorial on how to use a pipeline to keep track of customer feedback.

As always, we hope this has been helpful! If you have any questions about how you can use the CRM to manage customer feedback, just contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions, or set up a phone call.

Next up:
Feedback, user spotlight
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