Manage flight bookings, hotel reservations, customer calls, and share them with your agency. On one platform.
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Manage flight bookings, hotel reservations, customer calls, and share them with your agency. On one platform.
The best CRM for travel agents is one that doesn't take weeks to learn. Built for small teams, Less Annoying CRM is the easiest system to track important reservation details, stay on top of your commissions, and coordinate follow up reminders so you can focus on planning the best vacations.
These customizable process-tracking tools help you map out your booking workflow so that you can see everyone’s flight or cruise details, and whether there are important follow ups that need to be made (has that deposit been paid?). At a glance, see the number of active bookings you have to stay on top of, and track the completed bookings that you need to wrap up.
Based on conversations with hundreds of travel agencies, we’ve set up fields we think you want, but you can always add more -- at no additional cost. Want to track your client’s favorite beach getaway? Go ahead.
Your clients love you, and they have referrals that will also love you. Keep track of every referral relationship by linking contacts up so you know exactly who to thank when a new client calls in. LACRM’s relationship tool lets you create any kind of relationship between your contacts.
Business software is never fun. That’s why we’re “Less Annoying CRM”, and not “Never Annoying CRM”. But we’re here to help make sure you have the least annoying experience ever. You’re here to help your clients, and we’re here to help you.
"As a travel agent, I love that it is fully customizable to my needs. I also like that I can BCC all of my emails to keep a record of them in one place. It's super easy to filter down to certain aspects of a client's travel such as dates or where they are staying."
Monica B.
Disney Travel Agent
Less Annoying CRM is U.S. News & World Report's #1 ranked CRM, and you and your team can try it for free for 30 days. No credit card needed.