Zapier connects other apps together so that one action in one software results in something happening in a different (or the same!) software.
Less Annoying CRM's integration with Zapier lets you connect Less Annoying CRM with 6,000+ apps across all industries. For example, you can set up a workflow in Zapier such that when a new contact gets added in LACRM, that same contact gets added to your Quickbooks account automatically.
Any app that integrates with Zapier can be connected to LACRM via this integration. Find out which of your other apps integrate with Zapier here.
Zapier's pricing is dependent on the number of tasks you automate each month. Plans begin at $0/month to $103.50/month if paid monthly.
Click here to view full pricing details.categories
Integration support
If you have questions about a Zapier feature, or are unable to set up something in Zapier, please check out their help documentation here (our team unfortunately cannot help with troubleshooting issues within your Zapier account). If you are encountering issues with setting up the integration between Zapier and Less Annoying CRM, please reach out to our support team here.