Sales advice

Articles on how small businesses and sales teams can increase sales.
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Sales advice

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Be Choosy With RFPs
May 22, 2015
Beware the conventional wisdom.
Engaging Potential & Prospective Customers Immediately
May 20, 2015
The Courting Phase of Customer Relationship Management
Why you might decide to break all the rules about price.
May 15, 2015
There is a lot of advice out there about how to run your business, and some of it is actually pretty good. However, in a competitive marketplace you can't let slavish obedience to commonplace wisdom turn you into a clone of the shop next door.
Convert Your Customers Into Evangelists & Watch Your Business Grow
May 13, 2015
An evangelist is someone that will go out and sing your product/service’s praises to anyone that will listen. There is no more credible referral for a new customer than a narrative of sincere satisfaction from someone they know.
Use An All-Hands Meeting To Motivate Your Sales Team
May 6, 2015
(And No, It's Not Your Weekly Meeting)
Value in Sales: Perception Is Reality
May 1, 2015
Context controls how consumers perceive your product and its value.
Don’t Forget To CELEBRATE!
April 29, 2015
Ideas For Motivating Your Small Business's Employees
3 reasons to talk to your lead's competitors
October 31, 2013
If you're trying to get information on a potential customer, there's no better place to go than their competition. You'll find plenty of information, and gain some exposure in the meantime.
What you need your 5 best customers for (and it isn't buying)
October 22, 2013
There's something which your five best customers can tell you, and it's something which you're not going to hear anywhere else.
Get your customers talking about you
October 21, 2013
Your customers are already your loudest and most effective advertisers, for better or for worse. If you can learn to utilize their position as potential advocates, you may find that they hold a world of new prospects.
Turning "Not Now" into "Definitely Later" with a simple tip
October 15, 2013
Getting discouraged by prospects turning you down, saying it isn't the right time? A simple follow-up can change the whole future of those leads, so don't miss out on them!
How To Avoid the Stereotype of "Salesman"
October 10, 2013
There can be a huge advantage from separating yourself from the pack. Salesmen are often viewed in a negative light, so we have some advice on how to make yourself stand out, avoid that classification, and increase your sales
What is a Sales Pipeline?
October 8, 2013
The term "pipeline" gets thrown around every day, but you might now know quite what it means. We're here to explain how it works, why it's important, and how to design yours.
The Most Important Stage of your Pipeline Comes AFTER the Sale
October 3, 2013
Every step of the pipeline is important, but shaping your customers' impressions after the sale is the most important, and we're going to explain why.
5 Reasons Your Cold-Calling Isn't Working
October 1, 2013
Forget the old motto “100 calls before lunch, 100 calls after lunch."
8 Tips on Closing Warm Leads
September 26, 2013
It's time to close that sale!
How to Choose a Good Name For Your Business
July 1, 2013
Choosing your name is one of the first steps. It's also one of the most important. Don't rush through it.
How I monetized a blog in 30 days: what worked, and what didn't
April 24, 2012
In this blog post I'm going to go over my findings. I'll tell you what worked, what didn't work, and I'll even give some real numbers which seem to be almost impossible to find anywhere else online.
Optimize the "conversion rate" of the website for your bricks and mortar store
December 16, 2010
When designing and optimizing just about any website, the conversion rate is one of the most important statistics to focus on
Tip: Imagine what your future self will think about how you spend your time
November 19, 2010
My last post discussed what it means to be a lean startup. In it, I suggested that lean startups need to "release early and release often."
Don't let grammar get in the way of expression. Don't blindly follow the rules.
November 8, 2010
I just read this post on Lifehacker (and watched the accompanying video which I embedded above) and I'm feeling very liberated from normal grammatical constraints.
When a client requests a new feature, imagine that they're not your client anymore
October 22, 2010
If you work at a software company, then you know how hard it is to avoid feature bloat. You obviously want to listen to feedback from your users, but if you implement every feature requested, your software will end up complicated and uninspired.
What we can learn from Google Wave's failure
October 1, 2010
As you may have heard, Google is giving up on Google Wave. Wave was a new communication and collaboration tool that was meant to reinvent email.
Using a no-reply email address tells your customers you don't care about them
August 27, 2010
Shouldn't we make it as easy as possible for our customers to get ahold of us?
Stop writing business plans, and start writing business reviews
July 27, 2010
Earlier today, I received an email from a friend of mine asking for a copy of my PhD thesis proposal to use as a guide while he writes his own.

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