Tech analysis

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Great Google Docs templates for flowcharts, business plans, and more
September 21, 2010
I recently ran across another pack of templates from, and I've got to say that some of them really expanded my expectations of what one can do with Google Docs.
inDinero automates finances for small businesses
September 20, 2010
inDinero is a startup company that's generating a lot of buzz for its simple approach to financial software for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Use Q&A sites to get your name out there
September 17, 2010
Over the past year or two, a new trend has been building online. Q&A (Question and Answer) sites have been getting a lot of hype, and they're starting to make their way into the mainstream.
Syncplicity update: Google Docs sync now working (but slow)
September 16, 2010
While similar in many respects to Dropbox, Syncplicity offers a few differentiating factors including the ability to sync any folder on your computer, and integration with web services including Google Docs.
Gliffy Review - How does it stack up against LucidChart and Visio?
September 15, 2010
A while back I talked about LucidChart, a web-based tool for creating flowcharts online. Today I'm going to review another online flowchart tool called Gliffy.
Syncplicity doesn't live up to it's name
September 14, 2010
Syncplicity is one of a number of file sync and backup services along the lines of Dropbox, but with a few extra features.
How will Google Instant impact online marketing?
September 13, 2010
Last week I wrote about how Google Instant might impact the way we find information online. Now it's time to talk about how Instant might impact online marketing for small businesses.
Google Instant - blurring the line between searching and browsing
September 10, 2010
You've probably noticed by now that Google just made a major change to their search product. Results now appear as soon as you start typing your search query and they continually update as you refine your search.
Usability trumps aesthetics in UI design
September 9, 2010
I recently started checking out an online collaborative desktop service called Kohive.
Three ways Canonicalization can help with SEO
September 8, 2010
Yup, you read that right. Canonicalization. Seriously. It's a word. It refers to the art/science of making sure that search engines are associating the correct URLs with the pages on your web site.
The principles of a good password system
September 7, 2010
One of the major reservations many people have about using web-based applications for business purposes is security concerns.
What a good help section looks like
September 2, 2010
For reasons that aren't worth going in to, Tyler and I have recently begun the process of setting up a server through Rackspace's cloud services.
Gmail offers a new type of inbox to help you prioritize your emails
September 1, 2010
Staying organized can be a serious challenge, and the more unread emails you have piling up in your inbox, the more likely it is that something important will slip between the cracks. Google released a new feature this week to help solve this problem.
Quick Tip: Give Chrome application shortcuts their own profile to manage multiple logins
August 31, 2010
It turns out that giving an application shortcut it's own profile can be useful on it's own, and it's easy to do on any OS. Here's the why and the how.
Apps vs. the web: how do you read your favorite content?
August 30, 2010
If you own a smartphone, you generally have two different options when you want to read web content.
Using a no-reply email address tells your customers you don't care about them
August 27, 2010
Shouldn't we make it as easy as possible for our customers to get ahold of us?
Keep the 80-20 rule in mind with your SEO
August 26, 2010
I recently met someone who was in charge of the SEO of a relatively large internet company. I mentioned LAS to him and spent a little time talking about the site before he basically said "SEO probably isn't worth it for you guys."
Choosing the right communication medium
August 24, 2010
Tyler and I live on opposite coasts, so as you might imagine, we spend a fair amount of time communicating over various channels including email, IM/chat, telephone, and video chat.
Submit your blog to Google News
August 23, 2010
If you write a blog about news and current events, there's an easy way to increase your reach on Google.
Tutorial: Create a Wiki in Google Sites
August 20, 2010
There are a bunch of different tools to help you set up a wiki, but my favorite is Google Sites. In this post, I'll go over how I set up my wikis using Google Sites.
Why you shouldn't base your software off open-source projects
August 18, 2010
Ok, so this title is a little inflammatory. Before getting into this, I should say that I am a huge fan of open-source software.
What is your software worth?
August 17, 2010
In the process of finishing, I've been stripped of a number of heavily subsidized student software licenses, and have been looking into replacing them with full licenses for my new job in the real world.
Amazon's affiliate program pays you for referring business
August 16, 2010
Amazon offers a program called Amazon Associates. It's basically a way for you to market products sold on Amazon and take a small commission on all the sales you generate.
Set up a wiki to keep your team organized
August 12, 2010
One of the biggest challenges businesses of all sizes face is the organization and storage of information.
Create application shortcuts in Google Chrome on a Mac
August 10, 2010
One of the best features of Chrome is the ability to create "application shortcuts" that let you launch web sites as stand alone applications.

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