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Product Update: New Bulk Actions

We’re excited to announce a feature that has been a major request among customers over the years. New bulk actions!
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When CRM coaches chat to customers about our CRM, we frequently hear that it is really annoying to update records in the CRM one by one. Since we’re always trying to be less annoying, our developers have been working hard on new actions you can take in the CRM on as many contacts and companies as you’d like. We hope this helps you save time, so you’re spending more time actually working on growing your business, not updating records in the CRM.

Previously, in the CRM, there were some limited actions you could take in bulk. It was already possible to click “select all” to choose as many contacts/companies at once as you’d like and then add them to groups, remove them from groups, delete them, or assign them to a different user on the account.

Now, there are five brand new actions you can take in bulk with your contacts and companies in the CRM. Go ahead and attach a note to 500 contacts with one click, for example. You can learn about all five of the brand new bulk actions below. Give it a try from the main contacts page and save yourself some time! These five new bulk actions came directly from the requests we hear most when we chat with customers - so thank you to everyone who suggested them.

1. Edit field value

We know how important it is to keep your CRM up to date with accurate information. I've talked to many customers over the years who had just imported a big file or manually entered a bunch of contacts and then realized they forgot to fill out a particular field. It’s now possible to bulk edit not just one, but multiple fields for as many records as you want. For example, let's say you imported a list of contacts that you met at a conference but you forgot to actually input data into your custom "source" field making note of that. Now you can bulk update the source of any applicable record to "conference" at once. You can even simultaneously add information to additional fields while you do this. Don’t worry about having to carve out a day to painstakingly update each record - take 10 seconds to change field data in bulk. (Just a note here that doing this will override any data that is already in the field).

Edit one or more fields at once for multiple records

2. Export data/copy email addresses

Previously in the CRM, there wasn't a way to quickly grab email addresses.  Now you can quickly and easily grab those email addresses and paste them into your email provider to send out a mass email. Filter your list however you’d like - by group, city, company, a custom field - and then quickly copy all of those email addresses. Paste them into your preferred email provider and you’re ready to send a mass email! (Our MailChimp integration is still an option for anyone who would prefer a full integration). 

You can also easily check the boxes of however many contacts and companies you’d like and then export these records as either a CSV file or an XLXS file.

Export selected data in your preferred format, or just copy the email addresses of selected records

3. Attach a pipeline

Sometimes, you need to mark hundreds of contacts or companies as leads. Or maybe you’ve just added a bunch of customers to the CRM and you want to add them to your client pipeline. Whatever your reason, you can now easily attach as many contacts and companies to the same pipeline status as you’d like.

Attach a pipeline to multiple contacts and companies instantaneously

4. Attach a note

Let’s say you have a group of leads that you called through on a particular day. You might want to add a note to every single contact in that group to mark that they received a call. Now, you can add that note to every relevant contact and company instantly.

Attach a note to many contacts and companies simultaneously

5. Attach a task

We often hear from customers that they want to be able to add the same generic task to many contacts at once. For example, you might want to call everyone in your CRM who is lives in a particular zip code about an opportunity. Now, you can add a task named “call about opportunity” to as many contacts and companies as you’d like.

This feature will also be very useful for managers who want to easily and quickly add multiple tasks simultaneously for an employee.

No need to make tasks one by one anymore - add the same tasks to all relevant companies and contacts

There are countless ways to use bulk actions - we hope all of these new options save you time and energy in your day-to-day work. And even more bulk actions are coming to the pipeline report in the future - so stay tuned for even more opportunities to use bulk actions.

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if any questions or feedback comes up - you can reach us at

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