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Case study: Zapier for Managing Bookings

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We launched our integration with Zapier at the end of January, and we've been hearing lots of great feedback from LACRM users who are utilizing this new integration to automate their workflows and simplify their day-to-day activities.

Today, we'd like to showcase how Less Annoying CRM user Elias Ashooh (who works with HMCNH) uses Zapier to automate his appointment booking process so that he doesn't have to spend all day re-entering data in different systems. Take a look!

Managing bookings before Zapier:

"I can't wait to spend more time on manual data entry!" - Nobody

Elias and his team had been using OnceHub (an interactive meeting scheduling tool) together with LACRM to keep track of contacts who were booking appointments and meetings with them.

Whenever a booking was scheduled in OnceHub, his team would receive an email from OnceHub with that contact's details. They would then manually copy and paste contact information from this notification email into LACRM in order to create this contact.

🤔 Result:

  • Too much time spent on boring, manual data entry,
  • Relying on manual copy-and-paste meant a bigger possibility of mistakes getting entered into the CRM
  • Team needed to always stay on top of notification emails or risk missing a contact.

Managing bookings after Zapier:

Celebrating the Chiefs' 2023 Super Bowl win or Zapier? Impossible to tell.

Because both LACRM and OnceHub integrate with Zapier (check out the full list of 5000+ apps that Zapier integrates with here), Elias was able to connect LACRM and OnceHub to automate the flow of information between two systems.

Elias created a workflow in Zapier that said:

  1. Whenever a booking is scheduled in OnceHub...
  2. Find this contact in LACRM based on the email address they've entered...
  3. If this contact doesn't exist yet, create a new contact with these details...
  4. Then enter a note in this contact's profile with all the details from the OnceHub booking. (Exact workflow can be found below).

This meant that any time a client or prospect booked a call with Elias and his team, they will be automatically updated in LACRM with all the details from that booking. No more manual data entry, no more having to scan through tons of notification emails each day.

💨 Result:

  • Zero time spent copying and pasting information into LACRM,
  • Improved data reliability -- Elias and his team no longer need to worry about missing a notification email, or wonder if someone has made a mistake copying data over!
  • Less time on data entry = more time creating value for clients!

We loved hearing about how Elias used Zapier to simplify his work day, and we'd love to hear feedback from you as well! If you're using Zapier to help automate your process with LACRM, let us know!

Detailed Zap workflow:

👉 Please note: Elias is an experienced Zapier user and thus, has built a multi-step zap workflow with some advanced steps. If you're looking to replicate this exact workflow for your own team, be sure to take a close look at Zapier's documentation on how to use some of these features!

  1. Trigger: Booking Scheduled in OnceHub
  2. Action: Utilities in Formatter by Zapier using a Lookup Table of users' names and their User Ids
  3. Action: Date/Time in Formatter by Zapier to clean up date fields
  4. Action: Find Contact in Less Annoying CRM (search contact list by Email Address, then use step 2 to identify which user to assign this contact to)
  5. Action: Create Contact Note in Less Annoying CRM (add note in found contact with details from OnceHub booking)

Click here to try connecting OnceHub (or your own scheduling tool) to Less Annoying CRM!

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