Check out how many new customers, employees, and new features the Less Annoying CRM team built in 2019!
In this post, I want to explain how the new version of LACRM was designed to work well on all devices, and give you all the information you need to to be just as productive on your phone as you are on your computer.
Probably the most common feature request we get here at LACRM is the ability to sync events with Outlook. Well, I'm excited to announce that you'll be able to do just that in the new version of Less Annoying CRM!
We've been testing the new version internally for over six months. We're now ready to release it.
Along with the major redesign we've been working on this year, we're also overhauling custom fields. Our product team completely re-thought this feature from the ground up, and in the new version, fields will work the way they should have all along.
Grady Randolph is Less Annoying CRM's latest addition! You may be seeing her in your inbox or on our website soon, so here's an introduction.
I'm excited to announce that the new redesign will include significantly increased export options for account admins!
Anytime you view a contact, they'll be added to your recent contacts list so that you can easily access them again if you need to hop back to their profile.
The new design isn't 100% finished yet, but it's completely functional, and we've been using it internally for a few months already. So if you'd rather not wait for the final release, you can give it a shot right now!
In our new design, we're adding a new navigation bar -- the page menu -- the more action items.
Less Annoying also grew by two full-timers recently: Ther, a DevOps Engineer, and Elle, a CRM Coach. Both play essential roles in making sure the CRM is the best it can be for you, so take a minute to get to know them.
The changes in our upcoming redesign are mostly pretty minor, but there is one major change: how the navigation works.
At LACRM, we focus on simplicity. Our goal is to be the most intuitive CRM on the market, and for the most part we think we've accomplished that goal. But if there's one aspect of LACRM that doesn't live up to that standard, it's the settings section.
Even the leanest, scrappiest startups and smaller companies regularly turn their backs on emerging technology.
Switching to a different customer relationship management platform can be quite a challenge for small businesses.
Having a worldwide audience at your fingertips is great, but if a social media platform is the gatekeeper of your contact list, do you really own that information?
Plus, better time detection when logging emails, improved customer service, and more.
Each summer, Less Annoying CRM teaches folks from underrepresented groups in tech how to code. Meet our 2019 cohort!
You may have already noticed some of the new faces below in your inbox or on our site — time to meet our 2019 intern cohort!
The latest guest posts, interviews, and mentions of Less Annoying CRM!
Why we’re lowering or freezing ticket prices, keeping ticket sales open longer, and making US Wednesday workshops free
Before you pull the trigger on upgrading your customer relationship management software, make sure you're investing in a system that will work for the business you run today.
Not all CRM features are useful for small businesses
As much as we pride ourselves on offering such a reliable and consistent experience to our customers over the last six years, enough has changed about the world and our company that our current design is starting to become a problem.
In the past month we've wrapped up a few big projects that I'll cover in this edition of the small update digest.
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