
A collection of articles about small business advice, Less Annoying CRM's business philosophy, and updates for our CRM product.

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Small business tips

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You're invited to the 2019 Less Annoying User Conference!
March 12, 2019
You and your team are officially invited to join me at Less Annoying's 2nd Annual User Conference! We'll hold jam-packed sessions in two locations this year.
What tech do you need for your small business?
February 22, 2019
The 4 essential pieces of tech every small business needs
Less Annoying in the News: CRM, customer service, and tech tips
February 20, 2019
Our latest guest posts and interviews on customer service, building a business, and what it's like to work in St. Louis
How to build proactive customer support into your sales process
February 19, 2019
Great customer service is the key to increasing your sales. Here's how to make it an integral part of your sales process.
Small Update Digest: Advanced exporting permissions and more
February 4, 2019
Only a month into the new year, Less Annoying CRM's dev team is hard at work improving the CRM.
3 Keys to CRM success for small businesses
February 2, 2019
The goals of CRM companies are often at odds with those of small businesses, but that doesn't mean the right partnership for your business doesn't exist.
Feature Tweak: we've expanded our exporting permissions options
January 21, 2019
Account administrators now have more granular control over what their users can and cannot export from the CRM.
Small Update Digest: Mail merge-ready exports and more
January 7, 2019
Ring in the new year with another update digest of small tweaks and improvements to Less Annoying CRM!
2018: Less Annoying CRM's Year in Review!
January 1, 2019
Check out how many new customers, employees, and square feet of office space the Less Annoying team gained in 2018.
Small Update Digest: New tutorials
December 1, 2018
Check out December’s update digest of small tweaks and improvements to Less Annoying CRM!
Create an unforgettable VIP experience for your customers
November 27, 2018
7 ways to make your best customers feel special!
Behind the scenes: the Less Annoying dev team takes on Global Hack!
November 26, 2018
Over a weekend in October, Less Annoying CRM’s programmers raced against the clock to design, develop, and present a brand new mobile app.
Small Update Digest: New integrations and more
November 5, 2018
Here's another update digest of small tweaks and improvements to Less Annoying CRM!
New Integration Platform: Use PieSync to sync your LACRM Contacts
October 22, 2018
If you've ever wanted to sync your Less Annoying contacts with Outlook, QuickBooks, or ConstantContact, check out PieSync!
New Texting Integration: My Rep Chat
October 15, 2018
Less Annoying CRM has a new integration with My Rep Chat, a client text-messaging software that you can use on your computer and phone.
Feature Tweak: Already sent an email? You can still log it to the CRM!
October 8, 2018
Forward previously sent emails, and we'll log them in the CRM!
Small Update Digest: Importing Improvements and More
October 1, 2018
New Beginner's Guide, autocompleting search, and more!
Behind the Scenes: Our 2018 coding fellows’ final presentation!
August 29, 2018
Congratulations to Less Annoying CRM’s second coding fellowship cohort! These are their final projects.
The Best Leads Will Always Come From 1 Place
August 7, 2018
Every industry and small business is different, and I am sure that many of you have prospected on Linkedin, networking events, or just surfing the web. However, there is one universal lead source that is guaranteed to bring on more business for everyone reading this post,
Meet Our New Hires!
July 25, 2018
Kelly, Katelyn and Reno are Less Annoying CRM’s latest additions for 2018!
Feature Tweak: Logging Email Attachments
July 24, 2018
You requested it at the user conference, and we built it!
Summer Interns 2018
July 19, 2018
This summer, Less Annoying CRM welcomed three new CRM Coaching Interns and one Developer Intern!
You Probably Suck At Sales
July 4, 2018
A FREE 20 day email challenge for small business owners who want to improve their sales and grow their business.
Behind the Scenes: Our First User Conference!
June 21, 2018
A play-by-play of our user conference, from the perspective of a CRM Coach
Introducing the 2018 coding fellows!
May 28, 2018
Each summer, Less Annoying CRM hosts a summer program that teaches programming skills to a small group of college students.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Less Annoying has the highest-rated customer service in the industry, and it's always free. If you can't find a help article with the answers you need, or something in this article is confusing or inaccurate, get in touch and we'll be happy to help out!